आरआरबी एनटीपीसी सीबीटी 9th अप्रैल 2016 क़ी सुबह की पाली गये प्रश्न
1) NFC is based on ?
2) Dialysis is treatment for ?
A) Kidney
3) Water is Mixture of ?
A) Hydrogen and Oxygen
4) How many players in a team in Volleyball ?
A) 6
5) Rupee Sign created by ?
A) D Udaya Kumar
6) Larynx is ?
A) Voice Box
7) Study of Earth ?
A) Geology
8) Exobiology is ?
A) Study of Life Beyond the earth’s atmosphere
9) Radish is Fruit or Vegetable ?
A) Vegetable
10) Ozone layer is found is:
A) Stratosphere
11) The first Dalit President of India was?
A) KR Narayanan
ज्यादा से ज्यादा अपडेट्स के लिए मेरा पेज लाइक करे।
1) NFC is based on ?
2) Dialysis is treatment for ?
A) Kidney
3) Water is Mixture of ?
A) Hydrogen and Oxygen
4) How many players in a team in Volleyball ?
A) 6
5) Rupee Sign created by ?
A) D Udaya Kumar
6) Larynx is ?
A) Voice Box
7) Study of Earth ?
A) Geology
8) Exobiology is ?
A) Study of Life Beyond the earth’s atmosphere
9) Radish is Fruit or Vegetable ?
A) Vegetable
10) Ozone layer is found is:
A) Stratosphere
11) The first Dalit President of India was?
A) KR Narayanan
ज्यादा से ज्यादा अपडेट्स के लिए मेरा पेज लाइक करे।
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