RRB CBT 26th April 2016 first shift paper

1.Who invented Atom bomb ?
Ans:autohon and hymar

2.What is the Full form of IUCN ? Ans:International Union for Conservation of Nature 

3.What is the full form of FTP ? 
Ans:File Transfer Protocol 

4.What was the Name the UN ship which was lost in 1985 and found in 2015 ? 

5.Which of the following is not a cancer ? 

6.Where is jaistambh situated ?

7. who was appointed as NSA of india in 2014 ?
Ans:Ajit Doval

8.Gandhi Ji started Dandi March in which year ?
Ans: 1930 

9.Allahabad was previously known as ? Ans:Prayag 

10.Digestive acid ?
Ans: HCL 

11.Number of teams in 2016 World Twenty Twenty women world cup ?
Ans: 10

RRB CBT 2016 Admit card link

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