UPSC declares Final Result of Civil Services Examination 2016

The first position was secured by NANDINI K R (0134810), followed by ANMOL SHER SINGH BEDI(0561724) and GOPALAKRISHNA RONANKI (0147866) in second and third positions respectively.
Based on the results of the written part of Civil Services Examination, 2016 held by the Union Public Service Commission in December, 2016 and the interviews for Personality Test held in March-May, 2017, a total of 1099 candidates have been recommended for-

(i) Indian Administrative Service;
(ii) Indian Foreign Service;
(iii) Indian Police Service; and
(iv) Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’

1. 0134810 NANDINI K R
4. 0014451 SAUMYA PANDEY
7. 0583119 ANAND VARDHAN

Breakup as per category: 500 (General), 347 (OBC), 163 (SC) and 89 (ST). Detailed list of the successful candidates is available at
↠↠ UPSC site link
↠↠google drive link
↠↠UPSC result in hindi
↠↠Marks of selected candidate
↠↠Marks of all candidate
↠↠Check individual result(LOGIN ID(Roll No) and PASSWORD needed)


Based on the performance in the 2nd stage Computer Based Test for Non-Technical Popular Category (Graduate) posts against CEN-3/2015 conducted by this Railway Recruitment Board during the period from 17.01.2017 to 19.01.2017,, have been provisionally shortlisted to appear in Aptitude Test for the posts of Assistant Station Master (ASM), (Cat. No.7). Accordingly, these shortlisted candidates will be intimated through SMS /e-mail for downloading of e-call letters to appear in Aptitude Test likely to be held in June/July, 2017.

cut off are given below
PWD – OH (Combined for all eligible disability viz. OA, OL, MW)

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#CBSE/UGC NET January 2017 Result

↪UGC NET January 2017  has been declared on May 29.
↪To check CBSC/UGC NET January 2017 Result candidates have to login with their application number, roll number and date of birth.
 ↪Only those candidates who secure cut off score as per their category are considered eligible for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or Assistant/Associate Professorship or both. The eligibility for JRF or Assistant/Associate Professorship is decided strictly on the basis of candidates’ score and their rank in merit position.
↪only top 15% candidates (for each subject and category) will be considered for Assistant Professor only. And, among the 15% qualified candidates a separate merit list will be prepared for awarding JRF. CBSC/UGC NET January 2017 was conducted on January 22, 2017. 
↪University Grants Commission issues certificate to all candidates who have qualified CBSC/UGC NET. 
            The CBSC/UGC NET E-certificate is a documentary proof available online and can be downloaded by candidates who have qualified CBSC/UGC NET. 
↪The e-certificate is available for downloading on the user profile created by the candidates while filling and submitting their online application forms. The CBSC/UGC NET e-certificate is equivalent to original certificate.
Candidates have to score cut off score in exam paper as per their category to qualify CBSC/UGC NET.
Pattern of this Exam is given below ..↴

Candidates who have appeared can check CBSC/UGC NET January 2017 Result from the given link.

Click here to see the result (ugc site link)
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whole result in single file(google drive pdf file link)
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If you want to see separate Result from each category (GEN/OBC/SC/ST)  ,then click on link
Category wise result(google drive xl file link)

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Paper 1 answer key link(google drive pdf file link)
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Paper 2 answer key link(google drive pdf file link)
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Paper 3 answer key link(google drive pdf file link)
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SARKARI SAHAI again come with Rakesh Yadav Class Notes of Mathematics.  it is very helpful who are preparing for competitive Mathematics  Rakesh Yadav Class Notes is one of the most popular and widely used reference books on Mathematics. (Sharing Credits - yoursmahboob)


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Attention for CSIR NET candidate who applied for CSIR NET JUNE 2017

In your mail which you mention in your CSIR NET form , they send mail like this .......

Dear candidate name

Form No :
 candidate form number

You had applied for Joint CSIR UGC JRF NET Exam. You are requested to upload your photo and signature up to
 28.05.2017 Midnight. (now last date is 31.05.2017)

Please follow the instructions as below:
1.       Visit the site and fill your form no., date of birth and mobile number to log in.

2.       Your particulars will be displayed on the screen. Please check them to make sure that you have logged in your own account.

3.       The Photo and signature you are uploading should be same as fixed on your form sent to CSIR.

4.       Keep soft copy of both photo and signature ready in hand before logging in so that you do not face any difficulty while uploading. Photo and signature should be of size 10 KB to 50 KB.

5.       If your fee is not reconciled with the bank THEN ONLY you will be asked to upload your bank challan. Online module will automatically ask you for this. Pls upload a clear picture of challan in which all details and bank stamp etc should be clearly visible. Challan should be of size 50 KB to 100 KB.

6.       In case you have submitted more than one application you should upload photo and signature against only that application form no. for which you have submitted Bank Challan.

7.       Admit card will be available online from second week of June 2017.

8.       Please note that the particulars already entered by you in your online application can not be Edited / Amended.

9.       Candidate can call helpline number +91-7240725090, +91-7073950174 for WEBSITE REALTED TECHNICAL QUERIES ONLY during office hours on working days.

Examination Unit
CSIR Complex
Library Avenue, Pusa
New Delhi - 11001

Direct link for uploading photo and signature

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Normalized mark for 2nd Stage Examination (CBT) of NTPC (Graduate) posts against CEN No. 03/2015

Are you are looking for  Normalized mark for 2nd Stage Examination (CBT) of NTPC (Graduate) posts against CEN No. 03/2015. then this page is for you.
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Introduction to Statistics 

           The word statistics is coming out from the Latin word status or the Italian word ‘statista’ or the German word ‘statistik’ or French word statistique each of which means political state. In the general word statistics means the collection of numerical data for its further use. In the other words statistics means numerical data.
(i)                 This definition is due to ‘Bowley’. He defined that statistics are numerical statements of facts in any department of enquiry placed in relation to each other.
(ii)               This definition is due to ‘wallis and Roberts’. They defined that statistics may be regarded as a body of methods for making wise decisions in the face of uncertainty.
Ø  Functions of statistics:-
   Following are the main functions of statistics
(i)                 It presents data in a standard form.
(ii)               It provides easy comparison.
(iii)             It simplifies mass data into small figures.
(iv)             It helps to formulate and examine the hypothesis.
(v)               It helps in decision making.
(vi)             It simplifies the process of future planning and forecasting.
(vii)           It helps in budgeting.
Ø  Scopes of statistics:
                Following are the important scopes of statistics in different fields.
(i)         Statistics and the state:-
                Statistics is essential for a country. It supplies essential information to run a government. Different policies of government are based on statistics. Periodical collection of data relating to population, national wealth, agriculture, exports, imports, education, crime etc. are the main guide lines to a government for a good administration. More over all the ministries and departments of the state like finance, transport, defense, railway etc depends on statistics for their efficient use.
(ii)        Statistics and commerce:-
              Commerce is a process of collecting, manufacturing, supplying, and    distribution of goods and services for profit. Statistics is helping in formulation of policy and making future decisions.
(iii)             Statistics and economics:-
             The scope of statistics in the field of economics is highly remarkable. Economics is concerned with production and distribution of wealth as well as consumption, saving and also investment of income. Above all these things statistics is widely useful.
(iv)             Statistics and natural science:-
                    Statistical techniques have proved extremely useful in the study of all natural sciences like biology, medicine, astronomy, meteorology, etc. 
(v)               Statistics and accounts:-
                    Statistics is very much useful in the field of accountancy like
       presentation of accounts and determination of profits and loss etc. 

Ø  Limitations of statistics:-
        Irrespective of so many uses of statistics it has certain limitations. These are as follows.
Ø  Statistics does not deal with individuals.
Ø  Statistics deals with only quantitative data but not with qualitative data.
Ø  Statistical results are true only on an average.
Ø  In statistics there may be chance of misuse of data.
Ø  Statistical data should be uniform and homogeneous at the time of comparison. 


What is mean by data? What are the main sources of collecting data?
            In the view of a layman data means information. In statistics the data means mass of information collected from different sources.
              The collection of data is an important task in a statistical enquiry. One should take care while collecting the data otherwise it leads to wrong conclusions and faulty decisions.
           According to the basic sources of collecting data may be classified into two types.
i)                    Internal and external data.
ii)                  Primary and secondary data.
Ø  Methods of collecting primary data or sources of primary data:
            Primary data:-The data which is collected in the process of investigation are called primary data.
             For the collection of primary data the investigator may choose any one of the following methods.
i)                    Direct personal observation.
ii)                  Indirect oral interviews.
iii)                Mailed questionnaire method.
iv)                Schedules sent through enumerators.
i)        Direct personal observations:
In this method the person who collects data visits the field of survey and collects the information through discussions with the persons who are either directly or indirectly in touch with the facts under study. Some times through personal observations by investigator can get information. In this method of collecting data the investigator should be very much careful for his public behavior and he should mix with the people of that locality where he is collecting data.
1)      Original data are collected.
2)      True and reliable data are collected.
3)      Response will be encouraging because of personal approach.
1)      It is not suitable where the area under survey is very large.
2)      It is expensive and time consuming.
3)      Untrained investigators will not bring good results. 

ii)      Indirect oral interviews:
                  Under this method of collecting data the investigator contacts the third person who is capable of supplying the necessary information. This method is generally adopted in those cases where the informants are not interested to respond if investigator approaches directly. For example if we want to interview a drug addict, he may be interested to supply information about his own habits. In this case we get the necessary information from those persons who know him well.          
1)      It is simple and convenient.
2)      It saves time, money and labor.
3)      It can be used in the investigation of a large area.

1)      Interview with an improper person will spoil the results.
2)      In order to get the real position, a sufficient number of persons are to be interviewed.

(iii)       Mailed questionnaire method.
                    Under this method a questionnaire (list of objective type of questions) are sent to the informants by post. The questionnaire should be attractive and questions are arranged in such a way that it will take minimum time to answer. The questionnaire should contain a request note and guidelines that how to appear the questions. The questionnaire should be in expensive and should contain a self addressed covering letter to send it back with in specified time.
1)      Of all the methods this method is most economical.
2)      This method is suitable when the area of investigation is very large.
3)      It saves time, money and labor.
1)      In this method there is no direct contact between the investigator and the
         informant, therefore we can be sure about the accuracy of the data.
2)      This method is only suitable when the informants are literate.
3)      There is a chance of delay in receiving of answers from the informants.

(iv)        Schedules sent through investigators:
                     It is the most widely used method of collecting primary data. In this method a number of enumerators are selected and trained. They are provided with a standardized questionnaire and specific training and instructions are given to them for filling up the schedules. Each enumerator will be the in charge of a certain area. The investigator goes to the informants along with the questionnaire and gets replies to the questions in the schedules and records their answers. They explain the object and purpose of the enquiry.
1)      This method is very much useful where the informants are illiterates.
2)      In this method because of direct contact between the investigators and the
         Informants, the investigator can get accurate information.
1)      This method is more expensive and time consuming.
2)      The success of this method is depends upon the trained, intelligent and      
         qualified investigators.
Ø  Sources of secondary data:
 The various sources of secondary data can be divided into two categories
1)      Published sources
2)      Unpublished sources.

1) Published sources:
         Under this method the data are previously collected and published.
Ex: government publications, statistical reports, journal and news paper, census reports, and report on national sample surveys conducted in India etc.

2) Unpublished sources.
         In this method the data are not published or data kept as personal use or departmental use.
Ex: books of accounts, files and records of government and private offices, work
of research of various institutions and universities or big organizations. 
Ø  Difference between primary and secondary data:
Primary data
Secondary data
1.Primary data are those data which are collected from the primary sources.
2.Primary data are known as basic data.

3.The collection of primary data is more expensive.
4. It takes more time to collect the data.
5. Primary data are more accurate.

6. Primary data are known as first hand data.
7. Primary data are not readily available.
8. It is required to take much care at the time of collecting data
1.Secondary data are those data which are collected from the secondary sources.
2.Secondary data are known as subsidiary data.
3.The collection of secondary data is comparatively less expensive.
4.It takes less time to collect the data.
5.Secondary data are less accurate than the primary data.
6.Secondary data are known as second hand data.
7.Subsidiary data are readily available.
8.It is not required to take much care at the time of collecting data.
 Classification of data
                  Data collected either from primary sources or the secondary sources are called raw data. Classification means arrangement of data or grouping of data according to there behavior, nature and characteristics.
Types of classification:
                  Statistical data may be classified according to different characteristics. There are four important types of classifications.
i)                    Geographical(spatial) classification
ii)                  Chronological classification.
iii)                Quantitative classification.
iv)                Qualitative classification.
i)        Geographical(spatial) classification:
  Classification of data according to geographical areas is called Geographical(spatial) classification.
Ex: Statewise classification of production of food grains  in India:
Production of food grains(in tons)
ii) Chronological classification.
        In this type of classification the data are classified according to different time periods.
      Ex: Population of India for different time periods.
                  Profits of a business establishment over different years.

Population (in crores)
(iii) Quantitative classification:
        In quantitative classification the data are classified according to some characteristics that can be measured numerically such as height, weight, production, income, marks secured by the students etc.
Ex: Students of a college may be classified according to there weights as given in the table
Weight(in Kg)
No of students

(iv) Qualitative classification:
         In qualitative classification the data are classified on the basis of attributes or quality such as sex, colour of hair, literacy, religion etc.
Tabulation of data

Ø  Types of tables:
      Tables may broadly classified into two categories.
1)      Simple and complex tables
2)      General purpose and special purpose (or) summery tables.
1)      Simple and complex tables:-
         The distinction between simple and complex table is based on the number of characteristics studied.
          In a simple table only one character is shown. Hence this type of table is also known as one-way table. On the other hand in a complex table two or more characteristics are shown. When two characteristics are shown such a table is known as two-way table or double tabulation.

Example of one way table:        
    Number of employees in state bank according to age group
Age (in years)
No. of employees
Below 25
Above 45

Example of two-way table:
                 Number of employees of state bank in different
                               age groups according to sex
    Age(in years)
Below 25
Above 45
 When three or more characteristics are represented in the same table is called three-way tabulation. As the number of characteristics increases, the tabulation becomes so complicated and confusing.

2)      General and special purpose tables:
                  General purpose tables some times termed as reference tables or information tables. These tables provide information for general use of reference. They usually contain detailed information and are not constructed for specific discussion. These tables are also termed as master tables.
Ex: The detailed tables prepared in census reports belong to this class.
                 Special purpose tables also known as summery tables which provide information for particular discussion. These tables are constructed or derived from the general purpose tables. These tables are useful for analytical and comparative studies involving the study of relationship among variables.
Ex: Calculation of analytical statistics like ratios, percentages, index numbers, etc is incorporated in these tables.

Ø  General format of a table or parts of table:
            The main parts of a table in general are the following.
1)      Table number
2)      Title of a table
3)      Caption
4)      Stub
5)      Body of the table
6)      Head note
7)      Foot note
8)      Source note
1)      Table number:
                   Each table should be numbered. The table number may be given either in the center at the top above the title or in the bottom of the table on the left hand side.
2)      Title of the table:
                  Every table must be given a suitable title. The title is a description of the contents of the table. The title should be clear, brief and self explanatory. The title should be as short as possible. Its lettering should be the most prominent of any lettering on the table.
3)      Caption: caption refers to the column headings. It explains what the column represents. It may consist of one or more column headings. The caption should be clearly defined and placed at the middle of the column. As compared with the main part of the table the caption should be shown in smaller letters. This helps in saving space.
4)      Stub: As distinguished from caption stubs are the designations of the rows or row headings. They are at the extreme left and perform the same function for the horizontal rows of numbers in the table as the column headings do for the vertical columns of numbers.
5)      Body of the table:  The body of the table contains the numerical information. This is the most vital part of the table. Data presented in the body arranged according to the description or classification of the captions and stubs.
6)      Head note: It is used to explain certain points relating  to the  table that have not been included in the title nor in the caption or stubs. For example the unit of measurement is frequently written as head note such as ‘in thousands’ or ‘in million tonnes’ or  ’in crores’
7)      Foot note: Any thing in the table which the reader may find difficult to understand from the title, captions and stubs should be explained in the foot notes. If foot notes are needed they are placed directly below the body of the table. Ex: M for male, F for female etc.
8)      Source note: A source note is used  where the data are collected by the agency or  person other than the one presenting them. 
Format of a table 
Ø  Difference between classification and tabulation:
            Classification is a process of classifying or grouping of raw data according to their object, behavior, purpose and usages. Tabulation means a logical arrangement of data into rows and columns.
           Classification is the first step to arrange the data. Where as tabulation is the second step to arrange the data.
           The main object of the classification to condense the mass of data in such a way that similarities and dissimilarities can be readily find out. But the main object of the tabulation is to simplify complex data for the purpose of better comparison.

Ø  Objects (or) merits (or) advantages(or) role of a tabulation:
            Following are the main objects of the tabulation or tabular presentation of statistical data:
i)                    It simplifies the complex data.
ii)                  It facilitates comparison.
iii)                It helps to give better identity to the data.
iv)                It provides a good means of arrangement.

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