Dear candidate
Form No : candidate form number
You had applied for Joint CSIR UGC JRF NET Exam. You are requested to upload your photo and signature up to 28.05.2017 Midnight. (now last date is 31.05.2017)
Please follow the instructions as below:
Form No : candidate form number
You had applied for Joint CSIR UGC JRF NET Exam. You are requested to upload your photo and signature up to 28.05.2017 Midnight. (now last date is 31.05.2017)
Please follow the instructions as below:
1. Visit the site and fill your form no., date of birth and mobile
number to log in.
2. Your particulars will be
displayed on the screen. Please check them to make sure that you have logged in
your own account.
3. The Photo and signature
you are uploading should be same as fixed on your form sent to CSIR.
4. Keep soft copy of both
photo and signature ready in hand before logging in so that you do not face any
difficulty while uploading. Photo and signature should be of size 10 KB to 50
5. If your fee is not
reconciled with the bank THEN ONLY you
will be asked to upload your bank challan. Online module will automatically ask
you for this. Pls upload a clear picture of challan in which all details and bank
stamp etc should be clearly visible. Challan should be of size 50 KB to 100 KB.
6. In case you have
submitted more than one application you should upload photo and signature
against only that application form no. for which you have submitted Bank Challan.
7. Admit card will be
available online from second week of June 2017.
8. Please note that the
particulars already entered by you in your online application can not be Edited
/ Amended.
9. Candidate can call
helpline number +91-7240725090, +91-7073950174 for WEBSITE REALTED TECHNICAL
QUERIES ONLY during office hours on working days.
CSIR Complex
Library Avenue, Pusa
New Delhi - 11001
Direct link for uploading photo and signature
CSIR Complex
Library Avenue, Pusa
New Delhi - 11001
Direct link for uploading photo and signature
if you have any difficulty in uploading, tell us.. we can write article about this
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