RRB EXAM QUESTION 5 April 2016 2nd shift.
1)Full form of pdf?
A: Portable document format
2) Language of Mughal Empire?
A: Persian Language
3) National sports day is observed on _______.
A: 29th August
4) pitch blende is related to ______.
A: Uranium
5) Who is author of Amar Bangla?
A: Rabindranath tagore
6) 1024 GB= _____.
A: 1 TB
7) Literacy rate of India as per 2011 census?
8) Largest coal deposit in India?
A: Damodar valley
9) Capital of Dadra Nagar Haveli?
A: silavasa
10) Flag code of India?
A: 2002
11) Element responsible for air pollution?
A: sulfur dioxide
12) Which device is used for wireless connection?
A: WIFI router
13) Which of the following city on bank of Nile river?
A; khartoum
14) What is atomic number?
A:sum fo protons and neutrons
15) Biography of Indira Gandhi is written by _______.
A: Pupul Jayakar
16) which union territory is considered as smart city?
A: New Delhi
17) Epidemiology is study of _____.
A: Analysis of the patterns, causes and effects of health and disease.
18) What is bio diversity?
A: Variety of life
19) In photosynthesis oxygen is formed from ______.
A: Water
1)Full form of pdf?
A: Portable document format
2) Language of Mughal Empire?
A: Persian Language
3) National sports day is observed on _______.
A: 29th August
4) pitch blende is related to ______.
A: Uranium
5) Who is author of Amar Bangla?
A: Rabindranath tagore
6) 1024 GB= _____.
A: 1 TB
7) Literacy rate of India as per 2011 census?
8) Largest coal deposit in India?
A: Damodar valley
9) Capital of Dadra Nagar Haveli?
A: silavasa
10) Flag code of India?
A: 2002
11) Element responsible for air pollution?
A: sulfur dioxide
12) Which device is used for wireless connection?
A: WIFI router
13) Which of the following city on bank of Nile river?
A; khartoum
14) What is atomic number?
A:sum fo protons and neutrons
15) Biography of Indira Gandhi is written by _______.
A: Pupul Jayakar
16) which union territory is considered as smart city?
A: New Delhi
17) Epidemiology is study of _____.
A: Analysis of the patterns, causes and effects of health and disease.
18) What is bio diversity?
A: Variety of life
19) In photosynthesis oxygen is formed from ______.
A: Water
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