1.woman day is observed on ?
Ans:march 8
2.Dada saheb phalka 2015
Ans:shashi kapoor
3.which year Geeta is converted in English?
4.Speed of vahicle depends upon ?
5."manusmariti" was written in which language ?
6.host country of Davis cup 2016?
7.world wet land day ?
Ans:Feb 2
Remaining dates of RRB CBT 2016 Exam:
ज्यादा से ज्यादा अपडेट्स के लिए मेरा पेज लाइक करे।
Ans:march 8
2.Dada saheb phalka 2015
Ans:shashi kapoor
3.which year Geeta is converted in English?
4.Speed of vahicle depends upon ?
5."manusmariti" was written in which language ?
6.host country of Davis cup 2016?
7.world wet land day ?
Ans:Feb 2
Remaining dates of RRB CBT 2016 Exam:
- 22th, April 2016
- 26th, April 2016
- 27th, April 2016
- 28th, April 2016
- 29th, April 2016
- 30th, April 2016
RRB CBT 2016 Admit card link
RRB ADMITCARD ज्यादा से ज्यादा अपडेट्स के लिए मेरा पेज लाइक करे।
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