Breaking news:Dates of Aptitude test and Typing Skill Test Notice - CEN 03/2015 declared
Aptitude Test
Aptitude Test will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. Aptitude test may comprise of several test batteries and the candidates will have to qualify in each of these batteries to be considered for the posts of Assistant Station Master (ASM), (Cat. No.7)/Traffic Assistant, (Cat. No.8). Aptitude Test marks of only such candidates, who qualify in each of the batteries individually will be added to the 2nd Stage written examination(CBT) marks, for drawing the merit list for the posts of Assistant Station Master (ASM), (Cat. No.7)/Traffic Assistant, (Cat. No.8). The ratio of 2nd stage CBT marks and Aptitude Test marks shall be 70:30. If a candidate scores less than the respective qualifying marks in any battery of the Aptitude Test, he/she will be eliminated from the selection process for ASM/Traffic Assistant. However, he/she will be eligible to be considered for other posts depending upon his/her merit cum preferences and suitability. The candidates may visit the website of respective RRBs & view the mock test link for Aptitude Test containing important instructions, test procedure, norms of evaluation etc. provided to guide the candidates appearing in the computer based Aptitude Test.
Typing Skill Test
The Typing Skill Test is qualifying in nature and the candidates appearing in Typing Skill Test have to type in the language opted for Typing Skill Test during on-line application stage viz. 300 words at the minimum speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 250 words at 25 w.p.m. in Hindi on computer within 10 minutes to qualify in the test else they will be eliminated from the selection process for Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist and Sr. Clerk-cum- Typist. They will, however, be eligible to be considered for other posts depending upon their merit cum preferences and suitability.
Candidates may please note that the roll numbers of the shortlisted candidates for Aptitude Test/Typing Skill Test to be published on the RRB websites shortly, may not include roll numbers of candidates being provisionally considered for the posts of Commercial Apprentice (Cat.No.1), Traffic Apprentice (Cat. No.2), ECRC (Cat. No.3) and Goods Guard (Cat. No. 4) based on their merit and sequence of options.
Dates of Aptitude test and Typing Skill Test Notice - CEN 03/2015 is given below
Test | Date of Test | Post & Category |
Typing Skill Test | 29.06.2017 | Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist (Cat. No. 5) and Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist (Cat. No. 6) |
Aptitude Test | 30.06.2017 | Assistant Station Master (Cat. No. 7) and Traffic Assistant (Cat. No. 8). |
The candidates would be intimated through SMS and e-mail shortly to download their e-call letters for both the tests
Important Notice For the candidates appeared in 2nd Stage Exam (CBT)- CEN 03/2015 of NTPC (Graduate) Posts
All the candidates who had appeared in the 2nd Stage CBT during 17th to 19thJanuary, 2017 were advised to exercise option of filling fresh post preferences from 08.05.2017 (00.00 hrs) to 14.05.2017 (23.59 hrs) through the link provided for the purpose on RRB websites.
On the analysis of revised options received till last date, it is noticed that while most of the candidates have submitted their revised post preferences, few have not done so. Therefore, in the case of such candidates, their initial post preferences filled up at the time of application have been extracted and interpolated.
Next Stage of multi-post, multi-community, PWD, Ex-Servicemen wise short listing of candidates for Aptitude (Psycho) & Typing Skill Tests on the basis of revised post preferences and its detailed checking may take about two to three weeks.
Accordingly, the shortlists for Aptitude (Psycho) & Typing Skill Tests will be published on completion of the above stated processes.
For the posts of Category No. 7 & 8 (ASM & Traffic Assistant); Aptitude Test shall be conducted for which candidates equal to eight times the number of vacancies shall be called. The merit for these posts will be drawn only for the candidates qualifying in the Aptitude Test, with 70% weightage being given to the marks obtained in the 2nd stage CBT and 30% weightage being given to the marks obtained in Aptitude Test. (Refer Para 8.03 of CEN No. 03/2015 and modified vacancy table).
For the posts of Category No. 5 & 6 (Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist and Sr. Clerkcum- Typist);Typing Skill Test of qualifying nature (marks obtained in typing skill test shall not be added for making merit) shall be conducted for which the number of candidates equal to eight times the number of vacancies shall be called for. The candidates should be able to type 30 WPM in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on Computer only with disabling editing tools and spell check facility. KrutiDev & Mangal font shall be made available for candidates appearing for Typing Skill Test in Hindi. The merit of these posts will be drawn only for the candidates who qualify in the Typing Skill Test, based on performance in 2nd stage CBT. (Refer Para 8.03 of CEN No. 03/2015 and modified vacancy table).
For the posts of Category No. 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, ECRC & Goods Guard); merit will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained in 2nd Stage CBT only, but will be finalised after conclusion of Aptitude Test and Typing Skill Test.
In the meantime, normalized score cards of the 2nd Stage examination held during 17th to 19th January, 2017 will be provided to the candidates through RRB websites by 26.5.2017(Friday).
Candidates are hereby advised that all necessary communications regarding further steps shall continue to be brought to their notice in due course through Website of the respective Railway Recruitment Boards and/or through SMS/emails.
FAQ for Aptitude Test
Ques. 1 - Aptitude Test is applicable to which posts of NTPC (Graduate) Exam. against CEN No. 03/2015?
Ans. - Aptitude Test is applicable to the post of Assistant Station Master (Cat. No. 7) and Traffic Assistant (Cat. No. 8).
Ques. 2 - What will be the mode of Aptitude Test?
Ans. - Aptitude Test will be conducted only in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
Ques. 3 - Whether original Medical Certificate by Eye Specialist is compulsory to appear in Aptitude Test?
Ans. - Yes. As per Annexure – IX of CEN No. 03/2015, Medical Certificate certifying the requisite vision on proper proforma duly signed and stamped by Eye Specialist is compulsory to appear in Aptitude Test. A colour photo should also be pasted on the space provided in the Medical Certificate and to be attested by Eye Specialist.
Ques. 4 - How many times of the vacancies, candidates will be shortlisted for Aptitude Test?
Ans. - For the post of Category No. 7 & 8 (ASM & Traffic Assistant), Aptitude Test shall be conducted for which candidates equal to eight times the number of vacancies shall be called for.
Ques. 5 - How the merit will be drawn for the post of ASM & Traffic Assistant?
Ans. - The merit will be drawn only for the candidates found suitable in the Aptitude Test, with computation of 70% weightage being given to the marks obtained in 2nd Stage CBT and 30% weightage being given to the marks obtained in Aptitude Test.
Ques. 6 - What will be the duration of Aptitude Test?
Ans. - The duration of the Aptitude Test is 88 minutes.
Ques. 7 - Whether Demo link of Aptitude Test is available for aspiring candidates?
Ans. - Yes, for the benefit of the candidates, a Demo Link of Aptitude Test is available at the following address.
Ques. 8 - What documents the candidate is required to bring for appearing in the Aptitude Test?
Ans. - (i) E-Call letter for the Aptitude Test, (ii) a recent passport size colour photograph (to be pasted on RRB counter foil of E-Call letter), (iii) original Medical Certificate on prescribed proforma to be issued by Eye Specialist with his signature and stamp along with pasting of a recent passport size colour photograph of the candidate on specified place and attested by Eye Specialist, (iv) original valid photo Identification Card. No other document/item is allowed inside the Exam Venue.
Ques. 9 - What is the prescribed proforma for the Medical Certificate?
Ans. - The prescribed proforma for the Medical Certificate to be given by Eye Specialist is mentioned in Annexure – IX of CEN No. 03/2015, a copy of which will be available along with E-Call Letter.
Ques. 10 - Whether second chance may be given to the candidates who remained absent in Aptitude Test?
Ans. - No.
FAQ for Typing Skill Test
Ques. 1 - Typing Skill Test is applicable to which posts of NTPC (Graduate) Exam. against CEN No. 03/2015?
Ans. - Typing Skill Test is applicable to the post of Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist (Cat. No. 5) and Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist (Cat. No. 6).
Ques. 2 - What will be the mode of Typing Skill Test?
Ans. - Typing Skill Test will be conducted only on Computer to be provided by RRBs with disabling editing tools and spell check facility. KrutiDev & Mangal font shall be made available for candidates appearing Typing Skill Test in Hindi.
Ques. 3 - What is the duration of Typing Skill Test?
Ans. - The duration of Typing Skill Test will be 10 minutes.
Ques. 4 - What is the minimum speed requirement in Typing Skill Test?
Ans. - The minimum speed requirement in Typing Skill Test is 30 WPM in English or 25 WPM in Hindi.
Ques. 5 - What documents the candidate is required to bring for appearing in the Typing Skill Test? Ans. - (i) E-Call letter for the Typing Skill Test, (ii) a recent passport size colour photograph (to be pasted on RRB counter foil of E-Call letter), (iii) original valid photo Identification Card.
Ques. 6 - Who is exempted from Typing Skill Test and what document should be submitted for the exemption?
Ans. - PWD candidates who submit Medical Certificate stating “Being unable to perform the Typing Skill Test because of his/her physical disability ……………….” in prescribed proforma (i.e. Annexure – VIII of CEN-03/2015) issued by the Medical Board attached to the Special Employment Exchange or by a Civil Surgeon/Chief Medical Officer where such a Board does not exist, are exempted. Such certificate either should be uploaded online in the link w.e.f 03.06.2017 onwards but before the date of Typing Skill Test or may be submitted at the venue on the date of Typing Skill Test. It may be noted that the Exemption Certificate will not be accepted if found invalid/incomplete/defective and the concerned candidate will be eliminated from the selection process for respective post.
Ques. 7 - What will happen to the PWD candidates who appeared in the Typing Skill Test but failed to qualify in the Typing Skill Test?
Ans. - Such PWD candidates, if found otherwise eligible as per merit may be provisionally placed in the panel subject to the condition that they will have to qualify in Typing Skill Test within a period of 2 years from the date of appointment to the post.
Ques. 8- How many times of vacancies candidates will be shortlisted for Typing Skill Test?
Ans. - For the post of Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist (Cat. No. 5) and Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist (Cat. No. 6), Typing Skill Test shall be conducted for which candidates equal to eight times the number of vacancies shall be called for.
Ques. 9 - How the merit will be drawn for the post of Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist and Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist?
Ans. - Typing Skill Test is qualifying in nature (i.e. marks obtained in Typing Skill Test shall not be added for making merit). Merit of these posts will be drawn only for the candidates who qualified in the Typing Skill Test, based on performance in 2nd stage CBT.
Ques. 10 - Whether Paragraph for Typing Skill Test will be shown in computer only?
Ans. - Yes. Hard copy of the Paragraph for Typing Skill Test will not be given.
Ques. 11 - Whether a candidate will be given a chance to rehearse themselves before actual Typing Skill Test in the Exam Hall.
Ans. - Yes.
Ques. 12 - Whether second chance may be given to the candidates who remained absent in Typing Skill Test? Ans. - No.
Link for downloading e-call letters for Typing Skill Test and Aptitude Test for NTPC(Graduate) posts against CEN 03/2015 Notice- dates of TST and AT, CEN 03/2015
(The Login to form will be available only between 09-06-2017 18 Hours 00 Minutes to 30-06-2017 18 Hours 00 Minutes)
(The Login to form will be available only between 09-06-2017 18 Hours 00 Minutes to 30-06-2017 18 Hours 00 Minutes)
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