100 antonyms (Opposite words) for SSC CGL 2017

There are some basic words which people think he/she know ..Know correctly  with the help of SARKARI SAHAI

1. Ability x inability
2. Happy x unhappy
3. Import x export
4. Interior x exterior
5. Maximum x minimum
6. Include x exclude
7. Junior x senior
8. Above x below
9. Majority x minority
10. Optimist x pessimist
11. Superior x inferior
12. Accept x refuse
13. Civilized x uncivilized/savage/barbaric
14. Big x small
15. Acquire x lose
16. Ancient x modern
17. Agree x disagree
18. Alive x dead
19. Barren x fertile
20. Admire x despise
21. Blunt x sharp
22. Bold x timid
23. Bright x dim
24. Broad x narrow
25. Care x neglect
26. Confess x deny
27. Cool x warm
28. Broad x narrow
29. Bold x timid
30. Clean x dirty
31. Cruel x kind
32. Domestic x wild
33. Difficult x easy
34. Dangerous x safe
35. Dark x bright
36. Death x birth
37. Debit x credit
38. Early x late
39. Earn x spend
40. Empty x full
41. False x true
42. Guilty x innocent
43. Fine x coarse
44. Freedom x slavery
45. Fat x thin
46. Foolish x wise
47. Fresh x stale
48. Fear x courage
49. Guilty x innocent
50. Gain x loss
51. Good x bad
52. High x low
53. Humble x proud/arrogant
54. Honour x dishonour
55. Joy x sorrow
56. Knowledge x ignorance
57. Kind x cruel
58. Lie x truth
59. Little x much
60. Masculine x feminine
61. Make x mar/break
62. Natural x artificial
63. Noise x silence
64. Oral x written
65. Pride/arrogance x humility
66. Permanent x temporary
67. Presence x absence
68. Profit x loss
69. Prose x poetry
70. Quick x slow
71. Receive x give
72. Reject x accept
73. Ripe x raw
74. Rough x smooth
75. Remember x forget
76. Rich x poor
77. Sharp x dull
78. Tragedy x comedy
79. General x particular
80. Victory x defeat
81. Wild x domestic/tame
82. Weak x strong
83. Wisdom x folly
84. Youth x aged
85. Give x take
86. Laugh x cry
87. Smile x frown
88. Buy x sell
89. Here x there
90. This x that
91. Never x always
92. Stop x start
93. Wrong x right
94. Tight x loose
95. Love x hate
96. Throw x catch
97. Yes x no
98. Forward x backward
99. Stand x sit
100. Lost x found

Enjoy................ be smart worker, not hard worker

best wishes from http://www.sarkariresult.com
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