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On the basis of the result of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2017 held on 18/06/2017, the candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for admission to the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2017.
The candidature of these candidates is provisional. In accordance with the Rules of the Examination, all these candidates have to apply again in the Detailed Application Form, DAF (CSM), for Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2017, which would be available on the website of the Union Public Service Commission All the qualified candidates are advised to fill up the DAF (CSM) online and submit the same ONLINE for admission to the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2017 to be held from Saturday, the 28th October, 2017. The DAF (CSM) will be available on the website of the Commission from 17th August, 2017 to 31st August, 2017 till 6.00 P.M. Important instructions for filling up of the DAF (CSM) and for submitting the completely filled application form ONLINE, to the Commission, would also be available on the website. The candidates who have been declared successful have to first get themselves registered on the relevant page of the website before filling up the ONLINE DAF. The qualified candidates are further advised to refer to the Rules of the Civil Services Examination, 2017 published in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) of Department of Personnel and Training Notification dated 22.02.2017.
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Computer Science(code 87)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Computer Science(code 87)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Public Administration(code 14)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Public Administration (code 14)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET qualifying criteria changed ,check now
UGC/CBSE NET qualifying criteria changed ,check now
University Grants Commission wishes to clarify that earlier qualifying criteria for UGC-NET Exam involved qualifying top 15% of those candidates in each subject and category, who obtained the minimum required marks in paper-I, paper-II & paper-III according to the category of the candidates. Subsequent to the orders of the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala, University Grants Commission had revised the procedure and criteria of qualifying candidates and as such it has been decided that 6% of the total candidates who appear in the UGC-NET examination will be declared qualified. The qualifying percentage out of appeared candidates in the previous 4 UGC-NET examinations is given below:
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for History(code 06)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for History(code 06)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Physical Education (code 47)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Physical Education (code 47)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Education (code 09)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Education (code 09)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Social Work (code 10)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Social Work (code 10)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Psychology (code 04)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Psychology (code 04)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Geography (code 80)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Geography (code 80)-with FREE download
KNOW- how to get e-Certificate after qualify UGC/CBSE NET Exam
KNOW- how to get e-Certificate after qualify UGC/CBSE NET Exam
First of all you should know CBSE only for conducting Examination, rest all UGC does
there are 2 procedure for getting e-Certificate after quality
- whose who quality in JUNE 2010 NET and DEC 2010
- those who qualify in JUNE 2011 onwards
1.For who qualify JUNE 2010 NET and DEC 2010
information required
- Roll Number
- Date of Birth
- Year of Exam
- Session of Exam
- and code given in box
Congratulation from sarkarisahai
2. For those who qualify in JUNE 2011 onwards
First go to following site
it will ask →Have you generated your password through OTP after 15/06/2017 ? YES or No
if you said NO, you have to generated your password by giving some information
if you said NO, you have to generated your password by giving some information
after getting password
click again on following site
it will again ask Have you generated your password through OTP after 15/06/2017 ? YES or No
say yes
now following screen will show
enter your information like roll number exam session and password , you will get your e-Certificate
Congratulation from sarkarisahai
Generally UGC/CBSE took ~3 months to release e-Certificates to all qualified candidates, after declaring results
If you facing any difficulty to download, you can visit UGC office along with following documents
- NET Exam Admit Card
- Secondary Exam Pass Certificate/ Marks Sheet
- Final Master Degree Marks Sheet (if you have CGPA then CGPA to % conversation certificate )
- Cast Certificate if applicable
- Certificate of Physical disability if applicable
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Sociology(code 05)-with FREE download
UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Sociology(code 05)-with FREE download
10 Books referred by Tina Dabi to clear IAS preliminary exam
*Read Full Post*
What did UPSC CSE toppers study to clear IAS preliminary exam? What are the best-selling books to crack UPSC Civil Services Prelims? See the list of 10 books referred by toppers to clear IAS preliminary exam.
If clearing UPSC Prelims is your immediate goal, we are sure this post would help you a lot. Most of the books are useful for UPSC Civil Services Main exam as well.
Quantum Cat by Sarvesh Kumar Verma for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
Quantum Cat by Sarvesh Kumar Verma for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
SARKARI SAHAI again come with Quantam CAT by Sarvesh Kumar Verma . It is very helpful who are preparing for Competitive maths. Quantam CAT by Sarvesh Kumar Verma is one of the most popular and widely used reference books on Maths. (Sharing Credits - anonymous)
DSSSB Result 2017: Post Code 40/13
DSSSB Result 2017: Post Code 40/13
The DSSSB advertisement No 03/2013 had advertised 313 vacancies (UR-185, 0130-59, SC-50, ST-19 including EXSM-31, Sportsperson-16, OH-04, HH-04, VH-06) for the post of Grade II (DASS) in Services Department under Post Code 40/2013. Board conducted Tier-I written examination for recruitment in respect of this post on 25.06.2017.
Marks of the candidate have been uploaded On Board, Based on the performance in Tier-I written examination, 3269 (three thousand two hundred and six, nine) candidates, as detailed below, have been provisionally shortlisted to appear in Tier-II exam in the ratio of 1:10 ratio subject to attaining minimum qualifying marks and correctness or the information furnished by the candidates in their online application forms. The short listed candidates shall be called for Tier-II exam separately.
Cut Off marks(out of 195)
Sport*=Gen-78.5,Others-68.6, No SC/ST
(Result is not showing, pass of fail, so if your marks is more than this cut off your are Qualify otherwise not )
Rakesh Yadav Advance Maths for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
Rakesh Yadav Advance Maths for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
SARKARI SAHAI again come with Rakesh Yadav Advance Maths . It is very helpful who are preparing for Competitive Advance maths. Rakesh Yadav Advance Maths is one of the most popular and widely used reference books on Advance Maths. (Sharing Credits - anonymous)
Topic Included :
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Height and Distance
- Mensuration
- Ordinate Geometry
Lucent’s GK book in English for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
Lucent’s GK book in English for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
SARKARI SAHAI again come with Lucent GK Book in English . It is very helpful who are preparing for Competitive general knowledge. Lucent GK Book in English is one of the most popular and widely used reference books on general knowledge. (Sharing Credits - anonymous)
If you want to buy, you can buy from Amazon..↷(just click on image)
→if you want in HINDI medium
Lucent’s GK book in hindi for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
Lucent’s GK book in hindi for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
Lucent’s GK book in hindi for SSC CGL 2017 and other Exam -download FREE
SARKARI SAHAI again come with Lucent GK Book in HINDI . It is very helpful who are preparing for Competitive general knowledge. Lucent GK Book in HINDI is one of the most popular and widely used reference books on general knowledge. (Sharing Credits - anonymous)
If you want to buy, you can buy from Amazon..↷(just click on image)
If you want in English medium click here
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Essential Books recommended by Nandini KR for UPSC Prelims (Preliminary Exam): (books and its amazon buying link given here) Ind...
DSSSB Result 2017: Post Code 40/13 The DSSSB advertisement No 03/2013 had advertised 313 vacancies ( UR-185, 0130-59, SC-50, ST-1...
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- Quantum Cat by Sarvesh Kumar Verma for SSC CGL 201...
- SSC CPO 2017 7th July paper Asked questions -UPDATED
- DSSSB Result 2017: Post Code 40/13
- SSC CPO 2017 6th July paper asked questions-Updated
- Rakesh Yadav Advance Maths for SSC CGL 2017 and ot...
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- SSC CPO 2017 5th July paper asked questions
- Lucent’s GK book in English for SSC CGL 2017 and ...
- SSC CPO 2017 4th July paper asked questions
- Lucent’s GK book in hindi for SSC CGL 2017 and ot...
IAS Syllabus
- Civil services(IAS) General Studies Paper - I(Main)
- Civil services(IAS) General Studies Paper - II(Main)
- Civil services(IAS) General Studies Paper - III(Main)
- Civil services(IAS) General Studies Paper - IV(Main)
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- Civil services(IAS) Botany Syllabus
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- Civil services(IAS) Physics Syllabus
- Civil services(IAS) Political Science & International Relations Syllabus
- Civil services(IAS) Psychology Syllabus
- Civil services(IAS) Public Administration Syllabus
- Civil services(IAS) Sociology Syllabus
- Civil services(IAS) Statistics Syllabus
- Civil services(IAS) Zoology Syllabus