UP PCS PRE syllabus which will be scheduled to be conducted on 11 October, 2020

 Paper-I General Studies-I                  Duration: Two hours                             Marks – 200   * Current events...

UPSC civil services prelims 2018 result

CIVIL SERVICES (PRELIMINARY) EXMINATION, 2018 RESULT On the basis of the result of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2018 held on 03/06/2018, the candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for admission to the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2018. The candidature of these candidates is provisional. In accordance with the Rules...

Prepare at home with online free material (A helping hand for poor candidates from sarkarisahai)

1. Complete vision ias material!! Complete trully. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B55h89yHBv0-Ty04bFpwUVJmd2s&usp=drive_web 2. Gk today art n culture, environment n science n tech!!! https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_YT2XgaZq8OR3FqOTc1VDdVam8&usp=sharing 3. Ethics all material on one platform https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1e6SLCzLWrxbDBCeTRPVWhxb0E&usp=sharing&tid=0B_FR6Jkv0z2cSVZhcmNPeG9sb1U 4....


SSC CGL 2016 FINAL RESULT Staff Selection Commission has declared the final result of Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) on the official website. . ...


  CIVIL SERVICES (PRELIMINARY) EXAMINATION, 2017 RESULT  On the basis of the result of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2017 held on 18/06/2017, the candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for admission to the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2017.  The candidature of these candidates is provisional. In accordance...

UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Computer Science(code 87)-with FREE download

UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Computer Science(code 87)-with FREE download Paper pattern  Session  Paper  Marks  Number of Question  Duration  First I 100 60 out of which 50 question to be  attempted 1¼ Hours  First II 100 50 questions all are...

UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Public Administration(code 14)-with FREE download

UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Public Administration (code 14)-with FREE download Paper pattern  Session  Paper  Marks  Number of Question  Duration  First I 100 60 out of which 50 question to be  attempted 1¼ Hours  First II 100 50 questions all are compulsory 1¼...

UGC/CBSE NET qualifying criteria changed ,check now

  UGC/CBSE NET qualifying criteria changed ,check now  University Grants Commission wishes to clarify that earlier qualifying criteria for UGC-NET Exam involved qualifying top 15% of those candidates in each subject and category, who obtained the minimum required marks in paper-I, paper-II & paper-III according to the category of the candidates. Subsequent...

UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for History(code 06)-with FREE download

UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for History(code 06)-with FREE download Paper pattern  Session  Paper  Marks  Number of Question  Duration  First I 100 60 out of which 50 question to be  attempted 1¼ Hours  First II 100 50 questions all are compulsory 1¼ Hours  Second III 150 75...

UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Physical Education (code 47)-with FREE download

UGC/CBSE NET recommended books for Physical Education (code 47)-with FREE download Paper pattern  Session  Paper  Marks  Number of Question  Duration  First I 100 60 out of which 50 question to be  attempted 1¼ Hours  First II 100 50 questions all are compulsory 1¼...